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Biztos vagyok benne, hogy már sokan találkoztatok a Windows 8-tól kezdve valamelyik verzió alatt vízjellel. Javaslom mindenkinek, hogy NE éles vagy otthoni rendszeren próbálja meg a jelenlegi rendszerét frissíteni, mivel az ilyen korai verziók kipróbálása nem kockázat. Windows 10 - How to Disable OneDrive and Remove it From File Explorer on Windows 10 - Продолжительность: 4:29 M圜omputerMan IT Support Services Recommended for you Microsoft Windows 10 letöltések Windows 10 Technical Preview (圆4) 3.92GB ISO Windows 10 Technical Preview (x86) 3.01GB ISO. It’s time to start juggling with those feet and prove that you are also a star.Windows 10 - Korábbi Windows telepítés eltávolítása - Продолжительность: 2:34 oprend 20 493 просмотра. We again have the Champions League, Santander Libertadores, and LFP licenses, numerous game modes -one after another - online multiplayer and local multiplayer. This time you can see that PES 2013 is extravagant, that the graphics are overwhelming, and that you can control the player relatively well, which is why you can now begin enjoying the king of sports for another season.Ĭhoose your team, the tournaments are there to glorify the showcase of your museum in PES 2013. One could say that it is the year of years but don’t be fooled-last year has come back to try it again, and at Konami they are willing to do what it takes to make sure FIFA isn’t a flop. Improved impact engine, ball gravity, as well as a large improvement in its social features, new individual technical abilities, hundreds of new animations, etc. PES 2013 is placing Cristiano Ronaldo as the face of the franchise, accompanied by a series of features that strive to make the matches more realistic and enticing on our favorite devices. Meanwhile, in the digital field, PES continues in the fight to bring back game satisfaction like back in the day. The signing market, although somewhat affected by the economic crisis, lashes back with trades like that of Jordi Alba to Barcelona or Ibrahimovic to PSG.