Cagalli is ready to go and launch in the Sky Grasper, but she’s stopped by Kisaka and Erica. Unfortunately, the ORB forces are seriously outclassed by the ZAFT forces. Jona comes into the ORB command center and orders their forces to move out. Murrue wants to launch the ArchAngel, but is told that it’s impossible because the engines aren’t ready. They fly over a car carrying a surprised Jibril. ZAFT launches the first wave of attacks, sending two suits to destroy the Saran home. Jona makes a public statement claiming that Jibril is not in ORB, much to Cagalli’s anger and dismay. In ORB, Jibril is talking with Unato and seems pretty confident. Inside the ArchAngel, Athrun is still struggling to get up when Meyrin comes by and sees his condition. Gilbert briefs his captains and tells Talia that he wants the Minerva to join the battle. Word spreads quickly that ZAFT is mobilizing forces towards ORB. As Talia and Gilbert are walking towards the elevator, a report comes in that Jibril has been found in ORB. The next day, our three aces get medals, and Shinn and Rey are inducted into FAITH. Shinn still feels bad about Athrun and Meyrin, but Rey tells him that it can’t be helped.

Shinn is having nightmares of all the people he’s battled, including Stellar, Kira, and Athrun, until Rey wakes him up.