A crash while saving a game could result in the online profile being lost. Several spelling errors were corrected.ĪNNO 1404 - Patch 1.1 Multiplay Worthdownloading Gamershell Ausgamer Strategy informer Fz A number of small improvements have been made. The Experts Customs goods Items are now somewhat more powerful. Envoys whose Needs are now all met and who pay very few Taxes are now "euphoric" instead of "angry". The cost in Gold shown in the Caravanserai delivery notification was displayed incorrectly. Ships in the "Historic Battle" Quest can now shoot back! Purchasing the second or third stage "Occidental Shipbuilding" Attainment sometimes led to all the Goods over 40 tons being thrown overboard by the Ships involved. The title "World Traveler" is now correctly displayed in the title selection. Fixed a bug which allowed the player to multiply the Goods on a Ship through skillful movement between the Ship's cargo slots. Fixed a bug in mission 7 in which, under certain conditions, a black pearl necessary for completion of the mission was not given to the player. This bug has been fixed and uploads to the Gateway to the World should now be much more stable. In some cases uploads to the Gateway to the World failed. Savegames in user-content scenarios are no longer corrupted when a fellow player is vanquished in that scenario. Players can now also connect to the Gateway to the World under Windows 7. Construction time for the Large Oriental Trading Ship has been doubled. Buildings and fields may now be rotated by pressing the middle mouse button. Players can no longer see the routes taken by opposing Transport ships.

Sultan Quests are now available even if players do not have Noblemen in their City.

The cooldown period between individual Quests for the Emperor and the Sultan has been reduced. The Golden Ship is now available after accomplishing all the Achievements (the corresponding affected Achievements have been corrected and can now be completed). ANNO 1404 - Patch-Notes 1.2 Patch 1.2 An overview of the most important changes: